Ben Sewell

liquidator wants to wind up a company pushing the owner

Applications to wind up a company in insolvency

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Pursuant to section 459C(2) of the Act, an application to wind up a company in insolvency must be done within 3 months of the date that a company is presumed to be insolvent.

Ben Sewell speaking on insolvency seminar

Insolvency seminars for law groups

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Last week was a busy week for educating and meeting solicitors in Sydney and Melbourne. Lots of solicitors are interested in finding out more about the new safe harbour from insolvent trading (section 588GA Corporations Act). So the firm is…

What ASIC v Plymin tells us

What ASIC v Plymin tells us

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The case of ASIC v Plymin is significant for lawyers because it sets out a list of indicators that can help us understand when a company will be found to be insolvent. The general rule in law is that company insolvency is proven by a cash-flow test not a balance sheet test.

Has your equipment become a fixture - man removing a machine

Has your equipment become a fixture? PPSR hot topic

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

A dispute over a linear accelerator sounds like a James Bond movie but such dispute went to Court recently. A landlord, an equipment supplier, an administrator and bank all claimed an interest in the $9 million medical equipment and the eventual winner was the equipment supplier who sold the linear accelerator on credit. Fixtures are […]

How to check PPSR online

Using the PPSR to Defend Unfair Preference Claims

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Whenever a business considers lending money or selling goods it should consider whether it might be worthwhile to protect that lending with a personal property security, such as a PMSI. This will place the business in a much better position if the debtor goes bust. However, if you are creditor (or former creditor) and end up receiving a demand from a liquidator relating to an unfair preference, don’t despair.

PMSI - Purchase Money Security Interest – new security for PPSA

What is a PMSI – new security for PPSA

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

The Personal Property Securities Act (PPSA) has implemented a single national register that applies to all personal property security interests. The PPSA has also provided us with a set of priority rules to determine disputes between competing security interests. Of particular note is the Purchase Money Security Interest (or PMSI). A PMSI is a security […]

Customer credit application review

Are Your Credit Applications Good Enough?

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

With inflation and interest rates on the rise some of your customers may be looking for ways to manage a liquidity squeeze. Unfortunately, those customers may see their trade suppliers as an “alternative financier” and may either extend your trading terms or indefinitely delay payment to ease […]

What to Consider When Seeking a Mortgage from a Debtor

What to Consider When Seeking a Mortgage from a Debtor

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

When you lend money, or offer goods or services on credit, how do you protect your interest in the case of non-payment of the debt? In this article, we consider how you might secure this debt with an interest in land. Key mechanisms for doing this are via a ‘charging clause’ in a director’s personal guarantee, and/or via registration of a mortgage.