Director discussing Voluntary Administration of the company

What are the good parts of the Australian voluntary administration process?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

It is fair to say that, generally speaking, voluntary administration is not a successful mechanism for restructuring insolvent companies in Australia. Less than one percent end up in a successful compromise with creditors, a Deed of Company Arrangement (‘DOCA’), and continue trading.

External administration in Australia

Why an external administration in Australia can turn into a Seinfeld episode

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Seinfeld is famously referred to as a sitcom about ‘nothing’. Sometimes liquidations and voluntary administrations in Australia lose the plot and directors would be well served to conduct thorough due diligence before appointment and understand the dynamics at play.

Ilustration - what bodies oversee insolvency practice in Australia?

What bodies oversee company liquidators in Australia?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

As with any profession, it is crucial that there is some level of oversight of the actions of insolvency practitioners. This is the only way to ensure that they are living up to their professional and legal standards.

What are the duties of insolvency practitioners in Australia?

What are the duties of insolvency practitioners in Australia?

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Corporate insolvency practitioners are important gatekeepers in the economy. In Australia, there is a paradox that the system is designed to try to stop the insolvency practitioner from giving meaningful pre-insolvency advice to insolvent businesses. This is a pity because insolvency practitioners are well placed to give pre-insolvency advice.

Voluntary administration

The Complete Guide to Voluntary Administration

Estimated reading time: 40 minutes

Voluntary administration is a process where a registered insolvency professional temporarily takes control of a business which is insolvent, or in financial difficulty. This professional, the ‘voluntary administrator’, takes away control from the directors, for a period of time, in order to assess the finances and determine the future of the business.

Hit pause on appointing a voluntary administrator during Covid-19

Hit pause on appointing a voluntary administrator during COVID-19

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The new Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus Act 2020 (the Coronavirus Economic Response Act) has just come into force. This Act contains a range of new measures to support businesses through the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences.