White Papers

White Papers

Studies and reports about important issues in law, finance and insolvency

What is the role of solicitors in the restructuring of insolvent small or medium-sized businesses today?

People often underestimate how effective solicitors can be in enabling and supporting restructuring mechanisms for small and medium-sized businesses. The perception is that directors will first turn to accountants, insolvency practitioners and financial advisors before solicitors. Here we explain the role that solicitors can and should play in debt restructuring for insolvent businesses in Australia.

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Introduction to the Personal Property Securities Register

The Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) commenced on 30 January 2012 and with it revolutionised the validity, enforceability and priority of security interests in personal property. This whitepaper outlines the function of the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR), of which acts as a single “noticeboard” to the public of registered security interests in personal property.

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